10.1: Introduction to Neural Networks - The Nature of Code https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJ7HLz9VYz0
C++ neural networks from scratch - Pt 1. building a matrix library https://www.lyndonduong.com/linalg-cpp/
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
class Matrix
static Matrix matmul( const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b )
Matrix ret( a.m_rows, b.m_cols );
if ( a.m_cols == b.m_rows )
for ( int y = 0; y < ret.m_rows; y++ )
for ( int x = 0; x < ret.m_cols; x++ )
double sum = 0;
for ( int z = 0; z < a.m_cols; ++z )
sum += a.m_values[y][z] * b.m_values[z][x];
ret.m_values[y][x] = sum;
std::printf("%s - miss match matrix.[%dx%d]x[%dx%d]\n", __FUNCSIG__, a.m_rows, a.m_cols, b.m_rows, b.m_cols );
return ret;
static Matrix sub( const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b )
Matrix ret( a.m_rows, a.m_cols );
if ( a.m_cols == b.m_cols &&
a.m_rows == b.m_rows )
for ( int y = 0; y < ret.m_rows; y++ )
for ( int x = 0; x < ret.m_cols; x++ )
ret.m_values[y][x] = a.m_values[y][x] - b.m_values[y][x];
return ret;
static Matrix createFromArray( const std::vector<double>& array )
Matrix ret( array.size(), 1 );
for ( int i = 0; i<array.size(); ++i )
ret.m_values[i][0] = array[i];
return ret;
static Matrix transpose( const Matrix& m )
Matrix ret( m.m_cols, m.m_rows );
for ( int y = 0; y < ret.m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < ret.m_cols; ++x )
ret.m_values[y][x] = m.m_values[x][y];
return ret;
Matrix( int rows, int cols )
: m_rows( rows )
, m_cols( cols )
m_values.resize( rows );
for ( auto& vec : m_values )
vec.resize( cols );
Matrix( const Matrix& m )
: m_rows( m.m_rows )
, m_cols( m.m_cols )
, m_values( m.m_values )
Matrix& operator = ( const Matrix& m )
m_values = m.m_values;
m_rows = m.m_rows;
m_cols = m.m_cols;
return *this;
double& getValue( int x, int y )
return m_values[y][x];
const double& getValue( int x, int y ) const
return m_values[y][x];
void randomizeN()
std::random_device rndDev;
std::mt19937 random( rndDev() );
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist( 0, 1.0 / std::sqrt( static_cast<double>(size()) ) );
for ( auto& v : m_values )
for ( auto& d : v )
d = dist( random );
void multiplyElementwise( const Matrix& m )
for ( int y = 0; y < m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < m_cols; ++x )
m_values[y][x] *= m.m_values[y][x];
void multiplyScalar( double n )
for ( auto& r : m_values )
for ( auto& c : r )
c *= n;
void add( double n )
for ( auto& r : m_values )
for ( auto& c : r )
c += n;
void add( const Matrix& m )
if ( m_rows != m.m_rows || m_cols != m.m_cols ) return;
for ( int y = 0; y < m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < m_cols; ++x )
m_values[y][x] += m.m_values[y][x];
Matrix& operator + ( const Matrix& m )
add( m );
return *this;
void map( std::function<double(const double&)> fn )
for ( int y = 0; y < m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < m_cols; ++x )
m_values[y][x] = fn( m_values[y][x] );
void print()
std::printf("%s - rows: %d, cols: %d\n", __FUNCSIG__, m_rows, m_cols );
for ( int y = 0; y < m_values.size(); ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < m_values[y].size(); ++x )
std::printf("%f, ", m_values[y][x]);
std::printf( "\n" );
int size() const
return m_rows * m_cols;
int m_rows;
int m_cols;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> m_values;
class NeuralNetwork
static double sigmoid( const double& d )
return 1.0 / (1.0 + std::exp( -d ));
static double leaklyRelu( const double& d )
return std::max( d * 0.01, d );
//return std::min( std::max( d * 0.01, d ), 6.0 );
static double dsigmoid( const double& d )
//const double s = sigmoid( d );
//return s * (1 - s);
return d * (1.0 - d);
static double dleaklyRelu( const double& d )
return (d >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.01;
static double tanh( const double& d )
return std::tanh( d );
static double dtanh( const double& d )
return 1.0 - std::pow( std::tanh( d ), 2.0 );
NeuralNetwork( int input, int hidden, int output )
create( input, hidden, output );
void create( int input, int hidden, int output )
m_weights.push_back( Matrix( hidden, input ) );
m_weights.push_back( Matrix( output, hidden ) );
for ( auto& m : m_weights )
m_bias.push_back( Matrix( hidden, 1 ) );
m_bias.push_back( Matrix( output, 1 ) );
for ( auto& m : m_bias )
m_output.resize( m_bias.size(), Matrix(output, 1) );
Matrix foward_prop( const Matrix& input )
Matrix m = input;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_weights.size(); ++i )
m = Matrix::matmul( m_weights[i], m ) + m_bias[i];
m.map( leaklyRelu );
m_output[i] = m;
// 最後の奴だけoneHotしてみる
oneHot( m );
m_output.back() = m;
return m;
void step( Matrix& m )
for ( int y = 0; y < m.m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < m.m_cols; ++x )
m.getValue( x, y ) = m.getValue( x, y ) > 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
void oneHot( Matrix& m )
int mostTopX = -1;
int mostTopY = -1;
double mostTopValue = -100;
for ( int y = 0; y < m.m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < m.m_cols; ++x )
double& d = m.getValue( x, y );
if ( d > mostTopValue )
mostTopValue = d;
mostTopX = x;
mostTopY = y;
d = 0;
if ( mostTopX >= 0 && mostTopX < m.m_cols &&
mostTopY >= 0 && mostTopY < m.m_rows )
m.getValue( mostTopX, mostTopY ) = 1;
std::printf("%s - err. couldnt find most top idx\n", __FUNCSIG__);
// [参考]part4
void train( const std::vector<std::pair<Matrix, Matrix>>& trainingDataList, double l_rate, int epoch )
// 学習をランダムにしてみる
auto trainingDataListShuffle = trainingDataList;
std::random_device randDev;
std::mt19937 randMt( randDev() );
for ( int e = 0; e < epoch; ++e )
// 学習順序をランダムに
std::shuffle( trainingDataListShuffle.begin(), trainingDataListShuffle.end(), randMt );
double sumError = 0;
for ( auto& trainingData : trainingDataListShuffle )
// forward
Matrix m = foward_prop( trainingData.first );
// error
Matrix em = Matrix::sub( trainingData.second, m );
em.map( []( const double& d ) -> double { return d * d; } );
for ( int k = 0; k < em.m_rows; ++k )
sumError += em.getValue( 0, k );
// training
Matrix err = Matrix::sub( trainingData.second, m_output.back() );
for ( int i=m_weights.size()-1; i>=0; i--)
const Matrix tsWeight = Matrix::transpose( m_weights[i] );
Matrix prevError = Matrix::matmul( tsWeight, err ); //< 前のレイヤー(次の処理)へ渡すerr
Matrix dOutput = m_output[i];
dOutput.map( dleaklyRelu );
Matrix gradients = err;
gradients.multiplyElementwise( dOutput );
gradients.multiplyScalar( l_rate );
const Matrix tsOutput = Matrix::transpose( i>0 ? m_output[i-1] : trainingData.first );
const Matrix weightGrad = Matrix::matmul( gradients, tsOutput );
m_bias[i].add( gradients );
m_weights[i].add( weightGrad );
err = prevError;
std::printf("[%d] %f\n", e, sumError);
void print()
std::printf( "%s\n", __FUNCSIG__ );
std::printf( "weights\n" );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_weights.size(); ++i )
const Matrix& m = m_weights[i];
for ( int y = 0; y < m.m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < m.m_cols; ++x )
std::printf( "[layer:%d][%d][%d]%f\n", i, y, x, m.getValue(x,y) );
std::printf( "bias\n" );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_bias.size(); ++i )
const Matrix& m = m_bias[i];
for ( int y = 0; y < m.m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < m.m_cols; ++x )
std::printf( "[layer:%d][%d][%d]%f\n", i, y, x, m.getValue( x, y ) );
bool saveWeights( char* fileName ) const
std::ofstream outputFile( fileName );
if ( outputFile.is_open() )
// save weights
for ( auto& wm : m_weights )
for ( int y = 0; y < wm.m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < wm.m_cols; ++x )
auto weightStr = std::to_string( wm.getValue( x, y ) );
outputFile << weightStr << ",";
// save bias
for ( auto& bm : m_bias )
for ( int y = 0; y < bm.m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < bm.m_cols; ++x )
auto weightStr = std::to_string( bm.getValue( x, y ) );
outputFile << weightStr << ",";
return true;
return false;
bool loadWeights( char* fileName )
if ( fileName )
std::vector<double> weightsList;
// read weights file
std::ifstream inputFile( fileName );
if ( inputFile.is_open() )
std::string str;
while ( std::getline( inputFile, str, ',' ) )
double d = std::stod( str );
weightsList.push_back( d );
if ( weightsList.empty() ) return false;
// update weights
int idx = 0;
for ( auto& wm : m_weights )
for ( int y = 0; y < wm.m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < wm.m_cols; ++x )
if ( weightsList.size() <= idx ) return false;
wm.getValue( x, y ) = weightsList[idx];
// update bias
for ( auto& bm : m_bias )
for ( int y = 0; y < bm.m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < bm.m_cols; ++x )
if ( weightsList.size() <= idx ) return false;
bm.getValue( x, y ) = weightsList[idx];
return true;
return false;
std::vector<Matrix> m_weights;
std::vector<Matrix> m_bias;
std::vector<Matrix> m_output;
// [参考]http://www.htmq.com/color/colorname.shtml
// 138 color
struct OriginalColorData
double r, g, b;
char* name;
} g_originalColorData[] = {
{ 255, 255, 255, "white" },
{ 245,245,245, "whitesmoke" },
{ 248,248,255, "ghostwhite" },
{ 240,248,255, "aliceblue" },
{ 230,230,250, "lavender" },
{ 240,255,255, "azure" },
{ 224,255,255, "lightcyan" },
{ 245,255,250, "mintcream" },
{ 240,255,240, "honeydew" },
{ 255,255,240, "ivory" },
{ 245,245,220, "beige" },
{ 255,255,224, "lightyellow" },
{ 250,250,210, "lightgoldenrodyellow" },
{ 255,250,205, "lemonchiffon" },
{ 255,250,240, "floralwhite" },
{ 253,245,230, "oldlace" },
{ 255,248,220, "cornsilk" },
{ 255,239,213, "papayawhite" },
{ 255,235,205, "blanchedalmond" },
{ 255,228,196, "bisque" },
{ 255,250,250, "snow" },
{ 250,240,230, "linen" },
{ 250,235,215, "antiquewhite" },
{ 255,245,238, "seashell" },
{ 255,240,245, "lavenderblush" },
{ 255,228,225, "mistyrose" },
{ 220,220,220, "gainsboro" },
{ 211,211,211, "lightgray" },
{ 176,196,222, "lightsteelblue" },
{ 173,216,230, "lightblue" },
{ 135,206,250, "lightskyblue" },
{ 176,224,230, "powderblue" },
{ 175,238,238, "paleturquoise" },
{ 135,206,235, "skyblue" },
{ 102,205,170, "mediumaquamarine" },
{ 127,255,212, "aquamarine" },
{ 152,251,152, "palegreen" },
{ 144,238,144, "lightgreen" },
{ 240,230,140, "khaki" },
{ 238,232,170, "palegoldenrod" },
{ 255,228,181, "moccasin" },
{ 255,222,173, "navajowhite" },
{ 255,218,185, "peachpuff" },
{ 245,222,179, "wheat" },
{ 255,192,203, "pink" },
{ 255,182,193, "lightpink" },
{ 216,191,216, "thistle" },
{ 221,160,221, "plum" },
{ 192,192,192, "silver" },
{ 169,169,169, "darkgray" },
{ 119,136,153, "lightslategray" },
{ 112,128,144, "slategray" },
{ 106,90,205, "slateblue" },
{ 70,130,180, "steelblue" },
{ 123,104,238, "mediumslateblue" },
{ 65,105,225, "royalblue" },
{ 0,0,255, "blue" },
{ 30,144,255, "dodgerblue" },
{ 100,149,237, "cornflowerblue" },
{ 0,191,255, "deepskyblue" },
{ 0,255,255, "cyan(aqua)" },
{ 64,224,208, "turquoise" },
{ 72,209,204, "mediumturquoise" },
{ 0,206,209, "darkturquoise" },
{ 32,178,170, "lightseagreen" },
{ 0,250,154, "mediumspringgreen" },
{ 0,255,127, "springgreen" },
{ 0,255,0, "lime" },
{ 50,205,50, "limegreen" },
{ 154,205,50, "yellowgreen" },
{ 124,252,0, "lawngreen" },
{ 127,255,0, "chartreuse" },
{ 173,255,47, "greenyellow" },
{ 255,255,0, "yellow" },
{ 255,215,0, "gold" },
{ 255,165,0, "orange" },
{ 255,140,0, "darkorange" },
{ 218,165,32, "goldenrod" },
{ 222,184,135, "burlywood" },
{ 210,180,140, "tan" },
{ 244,164,96, "sandybrown" },
{ 233,150,122, "darksalmon" },
{ 240,128,128, "lightcoral" },
{ 250,128,114, "salmon" },
{ 255,160,122, "lightsalmon" },
{ 255,127,80, "coral" },
{ 255,99,71, "tomato" },
{ 255,69,0, "orangered" },
{ 255,0,0, "red" },
{ 255,20,147, "deeppink" },
{ 255,105,180, "hotpink" },
{ 219,112,147, "palevioletred" },
{ 238,130,238, "violet" },
{ 218,112,214, "orchid" },
{ 255,0,255, "magenta(fuchsia)" },
{ 186,85,211, "mediumorchid" },
{ 153,50,204, "darkorchid" },
{ 148,0,211, "darkviolet" },
{ 138,43,226, "blueviolet" },
{ 147,112,219, "mediumpurple" },
{ 128,128,128, "gray" },
{ 0,0,205, "mediumblue" },
{ 0,139,139, "darkcyan" },
{ 95,158,160, "cadetblue" },
{ 143,188,143, "darkseagreen" },
{ 60,179,113, "mediumseagreen" },
{ 0,128,128, "teal" },
{ 34,139,34, "forestgreen" },
{ 46,139,87, "seagreen" },
{ 189,183,107, "darkkhaki" },
{ 205,133,63, "peru" },
{ 220,20,60, "crimson" },
{ 205,92,92, "indianred" },
{ 188,143,143, "rosybrown" },
{ 199,21,133, "mediumvioletred" },
{ 105,105,105, "dimgray" },
{ 0,0,0, "black" },
{ 25,25,112, "midnightblue" },
{ 72,61,139, "darkslateblue" },
{ 0,0,139, "darkblue" },
{ 0,0,128, "navy" },
{ 47,79,79, "darkslategray" },
{ 0,128,0, "green" },
{ 0,100,0, "darkgreen" },
{ 85,107,47, "darkolivegreen" },
{ 107,142,35, "olivedrab" },
{ 128,128,0, "olive" },
{ 184,134,11, "darkgoldenrod" },
{ 210,105,30, "chocolate" },
{ 160,82,45, "sienna" },
{ 139,69,19, "saddlebrown" },
{ 178,34,34, "firebrick" },
{ 165,42,42, "brown" },
{ 128,0,0, "maroon" },
{ 139,0,0, "darkred" },
{ 139,0,139, "darkmagenta" },
{ 128,0,128, "purple" },
{ 75,0,130, "indigo" },
static void normalizeColors()
for ( auto& data : g_originalColorData )
data.r /= 255;
data.g /= 255;
data.b /= 255;
static std::vector<std::pair<Matrix, Matrix>> createTrainingDataList()
std::vector< std::pair<Matrix, Matrix> > ret;
for ( int i = 0; i < _countof( g_originalColorData ); ++i )
// input
std::pair<Matrix, Matrix> data( Matrix( 1, 1 ), Matrix( 1, 1 ) );
data.first = Matrix::createFromArray( std::vector<double>( { g_originalColorData[i].r, g_originalColorData[i].g, g_originalColorData[i].b } ) );
// output
std::vector<double> tmp( _countof( g_originalColorData ) );
tmp[i] = 1;
data.second = Matrix::createFromArray( tmp );
ret.push_back( data );
return ret;
static int getMostTopIdx( const Matrix& nnOutputs )
int mostTopRateIdx = -1;
double mostTopRate = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < nnOutputs.m_rows; ++i )
auto value = nnOutputs.getValue( 0, i );
if ( value > mostTopRate )
mostTopRate = value;
mostTopRateIdx = i;
return mostTopRateIdx;
int main()
NeuralNetwork nn( 3, _countof(g_originalColorData), _countof( g_originalColorData ) );
nn.loadWeights( "weights.txt" );
const auto trainingDataList = createTrainingDataList();
for (;;)
nn.train( trainingDataList, 0.05, 5000 );
for ( auto& data : trainingDataList )
auto output = nn.foward_prop( data.first );
const int idx = getMostTopIdx( output );
if ( idx >= 0 && idx < _countof( g_originalColorData ) )
const int r = static_cast<int>(g_originalColorData[idx].r * 255);
const int g = static_cast<int>(g_originalColorData[idx].g * 255);
const int b = static_cast<int>(g_originalColorData[idx].b * 255);
const int r2 = data.first.getValue( 0, 0 ) * 255;
const int g2 = data.first.getValue( 0, 1 ) * 255;
const int b2 = data.first.getValue( 0, 2 ) * 255;
std::printf( "answer is %d,%d,%d, %s ( correct: %d, %d, %d )\n", r, g, b, g_originalColorData[idx].name, r2, g2, b2 );
std::printf( "idx error\n" );
nn.saveWeights( "weights.txt" );
system( "PAUSE" );
return 0;
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
class Matrix
static Matrix matmul( const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b )
Matrix ret( a.m_rows, b.m_cols );
matmul( ret, a, b );
return ret;
// outputとa,bが同じアドレスだとうまく動作しない
static void matmul( Matrix& output, const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b )
if ( a.m_cols == b.m_rows )
output.resize( a.m_rows, b.m_cols );
double* pOutStart = output.m_values.data();
const double* pAStart = a.m_values.data();
const double* pBStart = b.m_values.data();
const int addOutY = output.m_cols;
const int addAY = a.m_cols;
const int addBY = b.m_cols;
const int yMax = output.m_rows;
const int xMax = output.m_cols;
const int zMax = a.m_cols;
for ( int y = 0; y < yMax; y++ )
const double* pA = pAStart;
const double* pBStart2 = pBStart;
for ( int z = 0; z < zMax; ++z )
double* pOut = pOutStart;
const double* pB = pBStart2;
for ( int x = 0; x < xMax; x++ )
*pOut += *pA * *pB;
pBStart2 += addBY;
pOutStart += addOutY;
pAStart += addAY;
std::printf( "%s - miss match matrix.[%dx%d]x[%dx%d]\n", __FUNCSIG__, a.m_rows, a.m_cols, b.m_rows, b.m_cols );
// outputとa,bが同じアドレスだとうまく動作しない
// a=normal, b=transposeにして乗算
static void matmul_nt( Matrix& out, const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b )
const int b_rows = b.m_cols;
const int b_cols = b.m_rows;
if ( a.m_cols == b_rows )
out.resize( a.m_rows, b_cols );
double* pOutStart = out.m_values.data();
const double* pAStart = a.m_values.data();
const double* pBStart = b.m_values.data();
const int addOutY = out.m_cols;
const int addAY = a.m_cols;
const int addBY = b.m_cols;
const int yMax = out.m_rows;
const int xMax = out.m_cols;
const int zMax = a.m_cols;
for ( int y = 0; y < yMax; y++ )
const double* pA = pAStart;
const double* pBStart2 = pBStart;
for ( int z = 0; z < zMax; ++z )
double* pOut = pOutStart;
const double* pB = pBStart2;
for ( int x = 0; x < xMax; x++ )
*pOut += *pA * *pB;
pOutStart += addOutY;
pAStart += addAY;
std::printf( "%s - miss match matrix.[%dx%d]x[%dx%d]\n", __FUNCSIG__, a.m_rows, a.m_cols, b.m_rows, b.m_cols );
// outputとa,bが同じアドレスだとうまく動作しない
// a=transpose, b=normalにして乗算
static void matmul_tn( Matrix& out, const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b )
const int a_rows = a.m_cols;
const int a_cols = a.m_rows;
if ( a_cols == b.m_rows )
out.resize( a_rows, b.m_cols );
double* pOutStart = out.m_values.data();
const double* pAStart = a.m_values.data();
const double* pBStart = b.m_values.data();
const int addOutY = out.m_cols;
const int addAY = a.m_cols;
const int addBY = b.m_cols;
const int yMax = out.m_rows;
const int xMax = out.m_cols;
const int zMax = a_cols;
for ( int y = 0; y < yMax; y++ )
const double* pA = pAStart;
const double* pBStart2 = pBStart;
for ( int z = 0; z < zMax; ++z )
double* pOut = pOutStart;
const double* pB = pBStart2;
for ( int x = 0; x < xMax; x++ )
*pOut += *pA * *pB;
pB += addBY;
pA += addAY;
pOutStart += addOutY;
std::printf( "%s - miss match matrix.[%dx%d]x[%dx%d]\n", __FUNCSIG__, a.m_rows, a.m_cols, b.m_rows, b.m_cols );
#if 0
static Matrix sub( const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b )
Matrix ret( a.m_rows, a.m_cols );
if ( a.m_cols == b.m_cols &&
a.m_rows == b.m_rows )
double* pOut = ret.m_values.data();
const double* pA = a.m_values.data();
const double* pB = b.m_values.data();
const int n = ret.size();
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
*pOut = *pA - *pB;
std::printf("%s - not same size[%d,%d]-[%d,%d]\n", __FUNCSIG__, a.m_rows, a.m_cols, b.m_rows, b.m_cols );
return ret;
static void sub( Matrix& out, const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b )
if ( a.m_cols == b.m_cols &&
a.m_rows == b.m_rows )
out.resize( a.m_rows, a.m_cols );
double* pOut = out.m_values.data();
const double* pA = a.m_values.data();
const double* pB = b.m_values.data();
const int n = out.size();
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
*pOut = *pA - *pB;
std::printf( "%s - not same size[%d,%d]-[%d,%d]\n", __FUNCSIG__, a.m_rows, a.m_cols, b.m_rows, b.m_cols );
static Matrix createFromArray( const std::vector<double>& array )
Matrix ret( array.size(), 1 );
const double* pArray = array.data();
const int arraySize = array.size();
for ( int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i )
ret.getValue(0,i) = *pArray;
return ret;
// 使ってないけど一応残しておく
static Matrix transpose( const Matrix& m )
Matrix ret( m.m_cols, m.m_rows );
double* pOutStart = ret.m_values.data();
const double* pInStart = m.m_values.data();
const int addOutY = ret.m_cols;
const int addInY = m.m_cols;
for ( int y = 0; y < ret.m_rows; ++y )
double* pOut = pOutStart;
const double* pIn = pInStart;
for ( int x = 0; x < ret.m_cols; ++x )
*pOut = *pIn;
pIn += addInY;
pOutStart += addOutY;
return ret;
Matrix( int rows, int cols )
: m_rows( rows )
, m_cols( cols )
m_values.resize( rows * cols );
Matrix( const Matrix& m )
: m_rows( m.m_rows )
, m_cols( m.m_cols )
, m_values( m.m_values )
Matrix& operator = ( const Matrix& m )
resize( m.m_rows, m.m_cols );
memcpy( m_values.data(), m.m_values.data(), m.size() * sizeof( double ) );
return *this;
void resize( int rows, int cols )
if ( m_rows != rows ||
m_cols != cols )
if ( m_values.size() < rows * cols )
m_values.resize( rows * cols );
m_rows = rows;
m_cols = cols;
double& getValue( int x, int y )
return m_values[y * m_cols + x];
const double& getValue( int x, int y ) const
return m_values[y * m_cols + x];
void randomizeN()
std::random_device rndDev;
std::mt19937 random( rndDev() );
//std::mt19937 random( 0 );
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist( 0, 1.0 / std::sqrt(static_cast<double>(size())) );
for ( auto& v : m_values )
v = dist( random );
void multiplyElementwise( const Matrix& m )
if ( m_rows != m.m_rows || m_cols != m.m_cols )
std::printf( "%s - not same size[%d,%d]-[%d,%d]\n", __FUNCSIG__, m_rows, m_cols, m.m_rows, m.m_cols );
double* pOut = m_values.data();
const double* pIn = m.m_values.data();
const int n = size();
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
*pOut *= *pIn;
void multiplyScalar( double d )
double* pOut = m_values.data();
int n = size();
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
*pOut *= d;
void add( double d )
double* pOut = m_values.data();
int n = size();
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
*pOut += d;
void add( const Matrix& m )
if ( m_rows != m.m_rows || m_cols != m.m_cols )
std::printf( "%s - not same size[%d,%d]-[%d,%d]\n", __FUNCSIG__, m_rows, m_cols, m.m_rows, m.m_cols );
double* pOut = m_values.data();
const double* pIn = m.m_values.data();
int n = size();
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
*pOut += *pIn;
Matrix& operator + ( const Matrix& m )
add( m );
return *this;
void map( std::function<double( const double& )> fn )
double* pOut = m_values.data();
const int n = size();
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
*pOut = fn( *pOut );
void print() const
std::printf( "%s - rows: %d, cols: %d\n", __FUNCSIG__, m_rows, m_cols );
for ( int y = 0; y < m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < m_cols; ++x )
std::printf( "%f, ", getValue(x,y) );
std::printf( "\n" );
void zero()
memset( m_values.data(), 0, m_values.size() * sizeof( double ) );
int size() const
return m_rows * m_cols;
int m_rows;
int m_cols;
std::vector<double> m_values;
class NeuralNetwork
static double sigmoid( const double& d )
return 1.0 / (1.0 + std::exp( -d ));
static double leaklyRelu( const double& d )
return std::max( d * 0.01, d );
//return std::min( std::max( d * 0.01, d ), 6.0 );
static double dsigmoid( const double& d )
//const double s = sigmoid( d );
//return s * (1 - s);
return d * (1.0 - d);
static double dleaklyRelu( const double& d )
return (d >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.01;
static double tanh( const double& d )
return std::tanh( d );
static double dtanh( const double& d )
return 1.0 - std::pow( std::tanh( d ), 2.0 );
NeuralNetwork( int input, int hidden, int output )
create( input, hidden, output );
NeuralNetwork( int input, int hidden, int hidden2, int output )
create( input, hidden, hidden2, output );
void create( int input, int hidden, int output )
m_weights.push_back( Matrix( hidden, input ) );
m_weights.push_back( Matrix( output, hidden ) );
for ( auto& m : m_weights )
m_bias.push_back( Matrix( hidden, 1 ) );
m_bias.push_back( Matrix( output, 1 ) );
for ( auto& m : m_bias )
m_output.resize( m_bias.size(), Matrix(output, 1) );
void create( int input, int hidden, int hidden2, int output )
m_weights.push_back( Matrix( hidden, input ) );
m_weights.push_back( Matrix( hidden2, hidden ) );
m_weights.push_back( Matrix( output, hidden2 ) );
for ( auto& m : m_weights )
m_bias.push_back( Matrix( hidden, 1 ) );
m_bias.push_back( Matrix( hidden2, 1 ) );
m_bias.push_back( Matrix( output, 1 ) );
for ( auto& m : m_bias )
m_output.resize( m_bias.size(), Matrix( output, 1 ) );
Matrix foward_prop( const Matrix& input )
Matrix* pM = const_cast<Matrix*>(&input);
Matrix* pOut = m_output.data();
Matrix* pWeights = m_weights.data();
Matrix* pBias = m_bias.data();
const int n = m_weights.size();
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
Matrix::matmul( *pOut, *pWeights, *pM );
pOut->add( *pBias );
pOut->map( leaklyRelu );
pM = pOut;
oneHot( *pM );
return *pM;
void step( Matrix& m )
for ( int i = 0; i < m.size(); ++i )
m.m_values[i] = m.m_values[i] > 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
void oneHot( Matrix& m )
int mostTopIdx = -1;
double mostTopValue = -DBL_MIN;
for ( int i = 0; i < m.size(); ++i )
double& d = m.m_values[i];
if ( d > mostTopValue )
mostTopValue = d;
mostTopIdx = i;
d = 0;
if ( mostTopIdx >= 0 && mostTopIdx < m.size() )
m.m_values[mostTopIdx] = 1;
std::printf("%s - err. couldnt find most top idx\n", __FUNCSIG__);
// [参考]part4
void train( const std::vector<std::pair<Matrix, Matrix>>& trainingDataList, double l_rate, int epoch )
// メモリ確保を防ぐために外にだしておいて、メモリ確保回数を最小限にしてみる
Matrix dOutput( 1, 1 );
Matrix prevError( 1, 1 );
Matrix gradients( 1, 1 );
Matrix weightGrad( 1, 1 );
Matrix err( 1, 1 );
// 学習をランダムにしてみる
auto trainingDataListShuffle = trainingDataList;
std::random_device randDev;
std::mt19937 randMt( randDev() );
//std::mt19937 randMt( 0 );
for ( int e = 0; e < epoch; ++e )
std::shuffle( trainingDataListShuffle.begin(), trainingDataListShuffle.end(), randMt );
double sumError = 0;
for ( auto& trainingData : trainingDataListShuffle )
// forward
foward_prop( trainingData.first );
// calc error
Matrix::sub( err, trainingData.second, m_output.back() );
// sumError
for ( int i = 0; i < err.m_rows; ++i )
const float d = err.getValue( 0, i );
sumError += d * d;
// training
for ( int i=m_weights.size()-1; i>=0; i--)
Matrix::matmul_tn( prevError, m_weights[i], err ); //< 前のレイヤー(次の処理)へ渡すerr
dOutput = m_output[i];
dOutput.map( dleaklyRelu );
Matrix& gradients = err; //< これが地味に重い。わかりやすくするために名前だけ変えておきたかったが
gradients.multiplyElementwise( dOutput );
gradients.multiplyScalar( l_rate );
Matrix::matmul_nt( weightGrad, gradients, i > 0 ? m_output[i - 1] : trainingData.first );
m_bias[i].add( gradients );
m_weights[i].add( weightGrad );
err.multiplyElementwise( dOutput );
err.multiplyScalar( l_rate );
Matrix::matmul_nt( weightGrad, err, i > 0 ? m_output[i - 1] : trainingData.first );
m_bias[i].add( err );
m_weights[i].add( weightGrad );
err = prevError;
std::printf("[%d] %f\n", e, sumError);
void print()
std::printf( "%s\n", __FUNCSIG__ );
std::printf( "weights\n" );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_weights.size(); ++i )
const Matrix& m = m_weights[i];
for ( int y = 0; y < m.m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < m.m_cols; ++x )
std::printf( "[layer:%d][%d][%d]%f\n", i, y, x, m.getValue(x,y) );
std::printf( "bias\n" );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_bias.size(); ++i )
const Matrix& m = m_bias[i];
for ( int y = 0; y < m.m_rows; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < m.m_cols; ++x )
std::printf( "[layer:%d][%d][%d]%f\n", i, y, x, m.getValue(x,y) );
bool saveWeights( char* fileName ) const
std::ofstream outputFile( fileName );
if ( outputFile.is_open() )
// save weights
for ( auto& m : m_weights )
for ( auto& d : m.m_values )
auto weightStr = std::to_string( d );
outputFile << weightStr << ",";
// save bias
for ( auto& m : m_bias )
for ( auto& d : m.m_values )
auto weightStr = std::to_string( d );
outputFile << weightStr << ",";
return true;
return false;
bool loadWeights( char* fileName )
if ( fileName )
std::vector<double> weightsList;
// read weights file
std::ifstream inputFile( fileName );
if ( inputFile.is_open() )
std::string str;
while ( std::getline( inputFile, str, ',' ) )
double d = std::stod( str );
weightsList.push_back( d );
if ( weightsList.empty() ) return false;
// update weights
int idx = 0;
for ( auto& m : m_weights )
for ( auto& d : m.m_values )
if ( weightsList.size() <= idx ) break;
d = weightsList[idx++];
// update bias
for ( auto& m : m_bias )
for ( auto& d : m.m_values )
if ( weightsList.size() <= idx ) break;
d = weightsList[idx++];
return true;
return false;
std::vector<Matrix> m_weights;
std::vector<Matrix> m_bias;
std::vector<Matrix> m_output;
// [参考]http://www.htmq.com/color/colorname.shtml
// 140 color
struct OriginalColorData
double r, g, b;
char* name;
} g_originalColorData[] = {
{ 255, 255, 255, "white" },
{ 245,245,245, "whitesmoke" },
{ 248,248,255, "ghostwhite" },
{ 240,248,255, "aliceblue" },
{ 230,230,250, "lavender" },
{ 240,255,255, "azure" },
{ 224,255,255, "lightcyan" },
{ 245,255,250, "mintcream" },
{ 240,255,240, "honeydew" },
{ 255,255,240, "ivory" },
{ 245,245,220, "beige" },
{ 255,255,224, "lightyellow" },
{ 250,250,210, "lightgoldenrodyellow" },
{ 255,250,205, "lemonchiffon" },
{ 255,250,240, "floralwhite" },
{ 253,245,230, "oldlace" },
{ 255,248,220, "cornsilk" },
{ 255,239,213, "papayawhite" },
{ 255,235,205, "blanchedalmond" },
{ 255,228,196, "bisque" },
{ 255,250,250, "snow" },
{ 250,240,230, "linen" },
{ 250,235,215, "antiquewhite" },
{ 255,245,238, "seashell" },
{ 255,240,245, "lavenderblush" },
{ 255,228,225, "mistyrose" },
{ 220,220,220, "gainsboro" },
{ 211,211,211, "lightgray" },
{ 176,196,222, "lightsteelblue" },
{ 173,216,230, "lightblue" },
{ 135,206,250, "lightskyblue" },
{ 176,224,230, "powderblue" },
{ 175,238,238, "paleturquoise" },
{ 135,206,235, "skyblue" },
{ 102,205,170, "mediumaquamarine" },
{ 127,255,212, "aquamarine" },
{ 152,251,152, "palegreen" },
{ 144,238,144, "lightgreen" },
{ 240,230,140, "khaki" },
{ 238,232,170, "palegoldenrod" },
{ 255,228,181, "moccasin" },
{ 255,222,173, "navajowhite" },
{ 255,218,185, "peachpuff" },
{ 245,222,179, "wheat" },
{ 255,192,203, "pink" },
{ 255,182,193, "lightpink" },
{ 216,191,216, "thistle" },
{ 221,160,221, "plum" },
{ 192,192,192, "silver" },
{ 169,169,169, "darkgray" },
{ 119,136,153, "lightslategray" },
{ 112,128,144, "slategray" },
{ 106,90,205, "slateblue" },
{ 70,130,180, "steelblue" },
{ 123,104,238, "mediumslateblue" },
{ 65,105,225, "royalblue" },
{ 0,0,255, "blue" },
{ 30,144,255, "dodgerblue" },
{ 100,149,237, "cornflowerblue" },
{ 0,191,255, "deepskyblue" },
{ 0,255,255, "cyan(aqua)" },
{ 64,224,208, "turquoise" },
{ 72,209,204, "mediumturquoise" },
{ 0,206,209, "darkturquoise" },
{ 32,178,170, "lightseagreen" },
{ 0,250,154, "mediumspringgreen" },
{ 0,255,127, "springgreen" },
{ 0,255,0, "lime" },
{ 50,205,50, "limegreen" },
{ 154,205,50, "yellowgreen" },
{ 124,252,0, "lawngreen" },
{ 127,255,0, "chartreuse" },
{ 173,255,47, "greenyellow" },
{ 255,255,0, "yellow" },
{ 255,215,0, "gold" },
{ 255,165,0, "orange" },
{ 255,140,0, "darkorange" },
{ 218,165,32, "goldenrod" },
{ 222,184,135, "burlywood" },
{ 210,180,140, "tan" },
{ 244,164,96, "sandybrown" },
{ 233,150,122, "darksalmon" },
{ 240,128,128, "lightcoral" },
{ 250,128,114, "salmon" },
{ 255,160,122, "lightsalmon" },
{ 255,127,80, "coral" },
{ 255,99,71, "tomato" },
{ 255,69,0, "orangered" },
{ 255,0,0, "red" },
{ 255,20,147, "deeppink" },
{ 255,105,180, "hotpink" },
{ 219,112,147, "palevioletred" },
{ 238,130,238, "violet" },
{ 218,112,214, "orchid" },
{ 255,0,255, "magenta(fuchsia)" },
{ 186,85,211, "mediumorchid" },
{ 153,50,204, "darkorchid" },
{ 148,0,211, "darkviolet" },
{ 138,43,226, "blueviolet" },
{ 147,112,219, "mediumpurple" },
{ 128,128,128, "gray" },
{ 0,0,205, "mediumblue" },
{ 0,139,139, "darkcyan" },
{ 95,158,160, "cadetblue" },
{ 143,188,143, "darkseagreen" },
{ 60,179,113, "mediumseagreen" },
{ 0,128,128, "teal" },
{ 34,139,34, "forestgreen" },
{ 46,139,87, "seagreen" },
{ 189,183,107, "darkkhaki" },
{ 205,133,63, "peru" },
{ 220,20,60, "crimson" },
{ 205,92,92, "indianred" },
{ 188,143,143, "rosybrown" },
{ 199,21,133, "mediumvioletred" },
{ 105,105,105, "dimgray" },
{ 0,0,0, "black" },
{ 25,25,112, "midnightblue" },
{ 72,61,139, "darkslateblue" },
{ 0,0,139, "darkblue" },
{ 0,0,128, "navy" },
{ 47,79,79, "darkslategray" },
{ 0,128,0, "green" },
{ 0,100,0, "darkgreen" },
{ 85,107,47, "darkolivegreen" },
{ 107,142,35, "olivedrab" },
{ 128,128,0, "olive" },
{ 184,134,11, "darkgoldenrod" },
{ 210,105,30, "chocolate" },
{ 160,82,45, "sienna" },
{ 139,69,19, "saddlebrown" },
{ 178,34,34, "firebrick" },
{ 165,42,42, "brown" },
{ 128,0,0, "maroon" },
{ 139,0,0, "darkred" },
{ 139,0,139, "darkmagenta" },
{ 128,0,128, "purple" },
{ 75,0,130, "indigo" },
static void normalizeColors()
for ( auto& data : g_originalColorData )
data.r /= 255;
data.g /= 255;
data.b /= 255;
static std::vector<std::pair<Matrix, Matrix>> createTrainingDataList()
std::vector< std::pair<Matrix, Matrix> > ret;
for ( int i = 0; i < _countof( g_originalColorData ); ++i )
// input
std::pair<Matrix, Matrix> data( Matrix( 1, 1 ), Matrix( 1, 1 ) );
data.first = Matrix::createFromArray( std::vector<double>( { g_originalColorData[i].r, g_originalColorData[i].g, g_originalColorData[i].b } ) );
// output
std::vector<double> tmp( _countof( g_originalColorData ) );
tmp[i] = 1;
data.second = Matrix::createFromArray( tmp );
ret.push_back( data );
return ret;
static int getMostTopIdx( const Matrix& nnOutputs )
int mostTopRateIdx = -1;
double mostTopRate = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < nnOutputs.m_rows; ++i )
//auto value = nnOutputs.m_values[i][0];
auto value = nnOutputs.getValue( 0, i );
if ( value > mostTopRate )
mostTopRate = value;
mostTopRateIdx = i;
return mostTopRateIdx;
int main()
NeuralNetwork nn( 3, _countof(g_originalColorData), _countof( g_originalColorData ) );
nn.loadWeights( "weights.txt" );
const auto trainingDataList = createTrainingDataList();
for (;;)
nn.train( trainingDataList, 0.05, 5000 );
for ( auto& data : trainingDataList )
auto output = nn.foward_prop( data.first );
const int idx = getMostTopIdx( output );
if ( idx >= 0 && idx < _countof( g_originalColorData ) )
const int r = static_cast<int>(g_originalColorData[idx].r * 255);
const int g = static_cast<int>(g_originalColorData[idx].g * 255);
const int b = static_cast<int>(g_originalColorData[idx].b * 255);
const int r2 = data.first.getValue( 0, 0 ) * 255;
const int g2 = data.first.getValue( 0, 1 ) * 255;
const int b2 = data.first.getValue( 0, 2 ) * 255;
std::printf( "answer is %d,%d,%d, %s ( correct: %d, %d, %d )\n", r, g, b, g_originalColorData[idx].name, r2, g2, b2 );
std::printf( "idx error\n" );
nn.saveWeights( "weights.txt" );
system( "PAUSE" );
return 0;
static Matrix matmul( const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b )
Matrix ret( a.m_rows, b.m_cols );
if ( a.m_cols == b.m_rows )
for ( int y = 0; y < ret.m_rows; y++ )
for ( int z = 0; z < a.m_cols; ++z )
for ( int x = 0; x < ret.m_cols; x++ )
ret.getValue( x, y ) += a.getValue( z, y ) * b.getValue( x, z );
return ret;
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